Because Everyone Can Use A Great Coach!
This my NEW Podcast, MindCast: MindCast Was Written And Produced To Help Guide, And Inspire Others To Be Better At What Inspires Them. MindCast Introduces Results Focused Mental Performance Principles And Strategies To Help You Navigate Your Life More Effectively. Host- Mind Coach Kevin Seaman.

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We’ve designed the Thai Boxing University to bring your skills and understanding of Muay Thai to the next level. Designed by a Professional Coach and Teacher with over 38 years in the study and teaching of Muay Thai. You will see huge jump in your skill level and understanding with the use of our exclusive video library.
Subscribe To Thai Boxing University Today With Our FREE 7 Day Trial Go To: Thai Boxing University
As a teacher, one of my goals is to provide the best information, and instruction for people that want to learn Muay Thai. I wake up every morning with the intent of being the best teacher possible, and work, not just on my own improvement, but on how I can help each, and every student I teach, and interact with to be a better version of themselves. And as a teacher, I have had this same vision and drive for nearly 40 years!

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“I feel that so many individuals need quality coaching in regard to their form and foundation.There is no one out there that cannot benefit and improve. You deserve to have quality instruction by a Professional Coach who holds high standards, that really cares about you as a student of Muay Thai.
I have tirelessly trained to understand and develop the best teaching approaches for people who want to improve, and have developed this Video Library as a conduit for exactly that.” -Ajarn Kevin Seaman

Somewhere along the way in your LIFE, you were programmed to do that. It may have been through an emotionally charged association or as simple as a trigger caused by a deep seated Habit Pattern that you have now forgotten existed.
Imagine for a moment if you could control what you do, by allowing your subconscious to work automatically to enable your outcomes by programming your own mind, making your life so much easier. Would that be valuable?
You better believe it would. This is what high achieving individuals do on a daily basis. They program themselves for performance and their subconscious does the rest of the work.
I will show you Three Simple Ways that YOU can program your MIND and improve your daily performance and attitude. Click Below And You will Receive Three Valuable Triggers You can use immediately!
How To Hack Your Own Mind
2020 Francis Fong Seminar
April 18 & 19, 2020
Sifu Francis Fong is undoubtably ONE of the most amazing, energetic and talented Instructors in the Country! Sifu will share his 50 years experience and expertise in the Martial Arts in this Highly Comprehensive Seminar. We are excited and honored to have Sifu Fong back teaching in Syracuse, New York again this year. The seminar is hosted by Sifu Kevin Seaman in conjunction with the Syracuse Martial Arts Academy. According to Dan Inosanto, Sifu Francis Fong one of the Finest Wing Chun Instructors teaching today. After a seminar with Sifu Fong, your outlook on power, structure and technical execution in the Martial Arts will change forever. Sifu will absolutely BLOW your mind with his ability and blinding speed. This is one seminar you will not want to miss!
April 18 & 19, 2020
Saturday 12pm-4pm/ Sunday 10am-2pm
Syracuse Martial Arts Academy
Shoppingtown Mall, Dewitt, NY
(Sears Wing, down the hall from CNY Gym Center Gymnastics)
Early Bird- Before February 28th- 1 Day $85./ Both Days $155.
Pre-Reg- Before April 4th- 1 Day $95./ Both Days $175.
At The Door/ after April 4th- 1 Day $120./ Both Days $200.
Space at the door is NOT guaranteed, Pre-Registration is highly recommended!
Call for more Info: Text 607-423-5159
or Syracuse Martial Arts at 315-491-3756
Early Bird Discount
Before February 28th, 2020
One Day- $85. Both Days- $155.
Pre-Registration Discount
Before April 4th, 2019
One Day- $95. Both Days- $175.
After April 4th/ At the door
One Day- $120. Both Days- $200.
Saturday April 18, 12pm-4pm Pre-Registration Discount- $85.
Use Link Below
Sunday April 19, 10am-2pm Pre-Registration Discount- $85.
Use Link Below
Both DaysApril 18/19, 2020 Pre-Registration Discount– $175.
Use Link Below
By Kevin Seaman
What pushes you to achieve greatness? What creates that drive you need in order push forward, regardless of obstacles, to accomplish the goals you hold in your heart? What is the motivation? The word motivation comes from the Latin phrase “to move forward” or reason to move forward. So, what is it that motivates you, moves you forward? As we have hit 2018 and begin a new year, we should think about our GOALS and what we will accomplish as we move forward in the future as an athlete, a coach, and in every area of our life!
In this months Blog, I would like to discuss the approach to goal attainment that has worked for me. Take 5 minutes to read this and take the action in your life and you will never, ever be the same.
In The Cross Hairs
What is a Goal? A goal is like a target really. If you currently have clear, written goals to lead you forward, you are part of a very unique and elite group. You are aiming at the center of the bull’s eye of your target. You are in the top 3% of people who have high aspirations about their personal achievement.
It’s true, according to the experts less than 3% of North Americans have written, specific, detailed goals. Not only that, about 10% have goals committed to memory. This would be like aiming at the outside rim of your target. Committing goals to memory is not an adequate way to clearly focus on your objective. What about the remaining 87%? Well, they have no goals at all. But, why are goals so important in the first place?
My all time favorite coach Brian Tracy once told me, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there!” Most people don’t really know which road to take, simply because they don’t have a clear picture of their destination. Without a destination, it’s so easy for us to fall into the trap of complacency. To be content, just getting by day to day, without pushing to achieve the things we really want to change in our lives or succeed at. We may rationalize why we can’t succeed by using negative self-communication, telling ourselves we don’t have the skills, resources, knowledge, and education or time it takes to achieve what we want.
First, it’s not knowledge and education that makes people succeed. The world is full of skilled, educated, knowledgeable failures. People who succeed at anything have some very specific methods they utilize to accomplish their objective. But, first and foremost, you must know your objective or goal. People who succeed are those who…
1) Know specifically what they want! They have a specific goal or set of goals they want to achieve. So, write your goals down and be specific; the more detailed, the better. Something truly amazing happens when you write down your goals. It’s as if they are beginning to actually process in your mind the moment your pen hits the page. Designate a target date or time period to accomplish those goals; place your written goals where you can see them daily.
2) Have developed the ability to take consistent action. In other words, they will consistently do what it takes to succeed. Self-discipline, attitude, personal beliefs and values all play a major role in motivating us to take action toward our achievements. It is not your intentions, but rather it is your actions that will allow you to succeed. To quote a famous slogan, Just Do It!
3) Have persistence. They don’t give up! Every person you see who has achieved greatness has failed over and over to finally succeed. There are few unrealistic goals, only unrealistic time frames to accomplish them. Losers quit when they’re tired; winners quit when they’ve succeeded.
4) Learn from the end-results. If the approach they took didn’t work, they adjust their approach again and again until they get the results they want. Let me use an analogy to expand this idea. When I lived near the ocean, I used to sail whenever I had the opportunity. When a sailboat leaves a harbor in pursuit of a destination, it sets its compass in the direction of its objective. But, as the boat is challenged by the currents, the wind, and the weather the captain will need to change the boat’s direction and adjust the approach in order to succeed and reach his destination. Be flexible in your approach. You are the captain of your destination.
The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
– James Allen
Develop The Muscle
One of the best ways to begin with goal setting as a habit is to work from a list on a daily basis. Here are a few tips on using a list to increase your productivity and develop your goal setting muscles.
1) Work from a list every day. Update your list for the next day the night before or first thing in the morning. Write it down! Something amazing will happen when you materialize your thoughts on to paper.
2) Hold fast to your “standard procedure” of working from your list, refusing to do anything that is not on the list. This is accomplished by updating your list as you work through your day.
3) Evaluate tasks by deadline. Whenever possible work on your largest or most difficult, least favorite task first. This will ensure it gets done, not ending up on the next day’s list. If you insist on completing the smaller tasks first you will make little headway. Small tasks will continue to appear as your day unfolds.
4) Evaluate your tasks for value and return. Which task will bring you the most return on your effort? One whale is worth a thousand buckets of minnows!
5) By working from a list everyday you will accomplish more in a week than most people do in months or even years.
6) Remember there is no such thing as unreasonable goals, just unreasonable time frames.
I just want to be known as the best ever, is that too much to ask?
– BJ Penn
Overcoming Negative Habit Patterns
By Kevin Seaman
Probably the most challenging issue for everyone, whether just trying to lose those few pounds and Buff Up a little and stay there or you’re an aspiring potential Olympian, is maintaining your personal training schedule as a SOLID HABIT. You’ve been there before. You start doing something, an activity, and then you have a setback, something that throws you off your path. In reflection, you may say, “I used to do that without even thinking twice, why did I stop?” This is WHY…you have fallen victim to a Pattern Interruption!
First we make our habits,
Then our habits make us.
Just as a Habit can be positive or negative, so can a Pattern Interruption. A habit is actually just a pattern that has been developed through repetition. Have you ever heard the term “repetition is the mother of skill?” As a patterned habit is reinforced, it becomes ingrained deeper and deeper into our subconscious. It is the continued repetition of any action or thought that makes that specific action or thought increasingly natural. This is why habits are hard for some people to recognize and difficult for them to alter. There’s a saying, “good habits are hard to develop and easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to develop and hard to live with.” Yet, doing things in a habitual manner is essential toward our personal development. The more habitual our daily routines and activities become the less thought and energy we need to use to achieve them. In fact, studies show that nearly 90% of everything we do on a daily basis is by HABIT. There for, the more energy, focus and brainpower we can devote to new projects, skills and achievements.
Sometimes we get into bad habits that initially don’t seem to be overly negative. Rather, they appear to be just a slight shift in what we had been doing, not noticeable, really. Perhaps it is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day, that can over time land us in hot water!
Utilizing the twin Winning Mind Set principles of Pattern Interruption and Success Visualization can help you wipe out those debilitating habits and pattern you back on the road to SUCCESS.
“Good habits are hard to develop and easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to develop and hard to live with.”
How Can You Use This?
Habit Awareness Exercise
Take a moment to think about various positive or desired habit patterns you use to make your life easier or better. List them on a sheet of paper.
Great! Now take a moment to think about various negative or undesirable habit patterns you no longer want in your life. This can sometimes be very challenging because it is hard for us to identify our negative habits. Some of you will find it helpful to have a coach or other support system (friend, spouse, etc.) that can point out some of the negative habit patterns you have developed. Many of these types of habits are so ingrained that we often don’t even realize we are doing them. Now, as you think of them, list them on a sheet of paper as well. This is your Master List! Now, take just one (just maybe the one you like the very least) and write it out on a post-it note. OK, place it in a very prominent place, say…your car’s dashboard or your bathroom mirror. This is a place that you look at a few times each day. Consistency is an important key, after all, that’s how you got this habit in the first place!
Now pick that habit that you like the very least and use a pattern interrupt to change the negative habit to one more desired. Your pattern interrupt for this exercise is to visualize the worst possible outcome you can muster from this continued negative habit, and see it clearly in your mind’s eye! If your exercise consistency is the issue or if you overeat or always have more than your share of dessert, you may see your personal image as HUGE! Visualize your pants splitting and your belly hanging over them. Got that image? Is it painful? If so, continue. If not, get even more extreme in your visualization. Get really gross. GET GRAPHIC! Now see yourself working out hard and eating fresh healthy foods, morphing into the hard body athlete you want to be as you do these activities. A little extreme you might say? A little too unrealistic? Your mind thinks in pictures, the more extreme, the more pronounced the image and the greater the impression. Remember to be extreme! This Pattern Interrupt will begin to change your association to that negative habit pattern. Once you have changed your association, you will begin to see results.
Be sure to continue the pattern interrupt until you become conscious of when you are about to perform the negative habit and no longer need the pattern interrupt to aid you. If you find yourself falling back into your negative habit, run the program again. Sometimes just running the program in your head visually over and over will be very effective. In this case you see yourself performing the unproductive habit and then run the interruption program in your head numerous times. We’ve had great results with this technique. It’s simple, it’s free and it’s very effective! Let me know how you do!
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Each Blog Issue I will help you add another facet to your Mental Toolbox and guide you to develop your Mind Game. I look forward to hearing your results and feedback.
© Copyright 2018 all rights reserved, Kevin Seaman
For more Winning Mind Set Strategic Wisdom To Live By…
Go to: or check the product page on
Jun Fan Gung Fu- Seeking The Path Of Jeet Kune Do Volume 2 Scheduled For Release in Fall 2016
After many public inquiries, input and requests, Kevin Seaman is writing a follow up to his very popular book, Jun Fan Gung Fu- Seeking The Path Of Jeet Kune Do, an in-depth study guide to Bruce Lee’s personal approach to Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do. The book will focus on the Intermediate to Advanced aspects of Jeet Kune Do. According to Bruce Lee’s Top Student and Protege, Dan Inosanto, “Kevin, I think your book (Volume 1) is just as valuable as the Tao Of Jeet Kune Do! I would like to see you write a follow up version.” Dan Inosanto is the leading authority on Bruce Lee’s Jun Fan Gung Fu and the Art and Science of Jeet Kune Do and Kevin Seaman’s teacher for the past 31 years.
I am very excited to write this book. I have studied in great depth the intricacies of Jeet Kune Do and feel there isn’t a book out there like the ONE I’m writing. I will also feature many of my students from around the world in this book, Jun Fan Gung Fu- Seeking The Path Of Jeet Kune Do Volume 2. So far, the approach I’ve taken is both unique and informative. It is more of a study guide and a developmental progression in that it is both educational and demonstrative.
Seaman’s NEW Book, Jun Fan Gung Fu- Seeking The Path Of Jeet Kune Do Volume 2 is on target for a Fall of 2016 release.
The NEW Book, The Mind Game Of Competition is HERE! This is the fourth book written by acclaimed author and Master Coach Kevin Seaman with a foreword by renowned coach, April Hartsook. If you compete in any sport, you NEED this book! All things being equal, the mental aspects of competition are CRUCIAL to SUCCESS and this book focuses primarily on the mental side of competitive sports and athletics! Using proven methods learned from some of the best coaches out there, as well as principles of advanced mental conditioning aspects Master Coach Seaman has developed himself over the past 30+ years. This book is 100% guaranteed to change your GAME or your money back! “Listen, I don’t CARE how good you think you are…you can improve your RESULTS. I’ve shown thousands of people how to do exactly that…IMPROVE THEIR RESULTS and with this book, you can too.” -Kevin Seaman
ONLY $19.95 and Master Coach Kevin Seaman will personalize and sign your copy! Not only that We’ll ship it FREE in the USA. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. To Order Yours Today with FREE Shipping (USA Only) Click Below.
Setting Your Goals For 2014 And Beyond
What pushes you to achieve greatness? What creates the drive you need in order to accomplish the goals you hold in our heart? What is the motivation? The word motivation comes from the Latin phrase “to move forward.” So, what is it that motivates you, moves you forward? Take 2 minutes to read this and take the action in your life and you will never be the same.
The brilliant psychologist, Abraham Maslow, in his paper on A THEORY OF HUMAN MOTIVATION written in 1943 stated; “There are at least five sets of goals, which we may call basic needs. These are briefly physiological (hunger, health, appearance, sex, etc.), safety (security, domain, means for survival/income, etc.), love (partner, family, interests, etc.) esteem(self-esteem and the esteem of others, the need for getting and receiving respect, admiration, etc.), and self-actualization.”
Maslow went on to write, “In regard to the need for self-actualization- Even if all our (other) needs are satisfied, we may still often (if not always) expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he is fitted for. A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if they are to be ultimately happy. What man (a person) can be, he must be.
This need we may call self-actualization…This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more of what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming…In one individual it may take the form of the desire to be an ideal mother, in another it may be expressed athletically.”
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
-Albert Einstein
Well, it appears that we all have a basic drive for this SELF-ACTUALIZATION. However, in order for us to succeed, our fundamental needs for these deep desires must be in alignment and congruent with our values, they must be value driven in order to be meaningfully successful.
Many times people set goals that have very little to do with what they truly value in life. This is very important to recognize. How many times have we seen people go to college for a specific field or career and then change due to the realization…they don’t like it.
How Will This Help Me? It is not necessarily how you accomplish your goals, but why you want to that is most important. Why? Because there is a unique cycle that occurs when you predicate goals that are in alignment with your values. As you work toward your value driven objective, you will feel totally natural in your pursuit and once this goal is achieved, your values are satisfied and supported by your accomplishment. Because of this your goals support your values and your values in turn support you in the direction of your goals. This optimizes your potential in our direction toward self-actualization. This absolute optimization increases our potential for success a hundred-fold, to become the very best we can, at what WE DO BEST!
If you are to become the best, you must create an organized strategy or method of approach in the form of meaningful short and long-term goals. Here are a few ideas that will help ensure you progress toward achieving where you want to be in the future.
1) What do you want?
2) Why do you want to do it?
3) How will you do it?
4) When will you complete it?
1) What Goals/Things we want to be, do, have. Business, career, financial, academic, spiritual, etc..
These should be divided into three priorities-
A Goals/Most Important
B Goals/Secondary
C Goals/Least Important
“A Goals” are the things that will have the most positive, dramatic affect on your life and your future, the most important thing for you to concentrate on in order to have the life you envision that you want.
List these “What” goals in the categories (A,B or C) then prioritize these goals in each of these categories by which is most important, which is next and so on.
Great! Now do the same for your “Why” Goals.
2) Why Goals/Why we want the things we want. Why we want our “What” Goals. Personal, family, relationship, health, fitness, happiness, etc..
Excellent! Finally do the same for your “How” Goals!
3) How Goals/How am I going to do this? Personal development, education, habit adjustment, who do I have to become?
Now that you have these three powerful categories prioritized set deadlines for each goal in each category. Set these When goals by taking the goals you have now and putting them into four areas.
1) One year 2014 goals
2) Five years (within)
3) 10 Years (in at least)
4) Your Bucket List/What you want and will do before you die.
If you take a small chunk of your time to do this exercise, you will be SHOCKED at the results. You will achieve more in your life, faster than you ever imagined. The reality is most people spend more time planning their vacations, than they do their life.
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
-George Bernard Shaw
Have an awesome 2014!
Inspired and powered by The Winning Mind Set Book
©2014 all rights reserved Kevin Seaman/
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at the e-mail address :
© 2014 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
For more Winning Mind Set Strategic Wisdom To Live By…
Go to: or check the product page on
Mixed Martial Arts First Aid:
Using Basic Traditional Chinese Medicinal
Techniques For Fast Post Fight Recovery
By Sifu Kevin Seaman
The Chinese have for centuries been the experts in the ancient recovery system known as “Dit Da” or Hit Medicine. Having over 30 years experience, traditionally trained Sifu and Pro MMA Striking Coach Kevin Seaman, will layout the essential basics that every coach and fighter should know about fight recovery. How it is possible to stop and even reverse the trauma of bruising and hematoma. Reducing localized swelling without ice. Checking for fractures using a $20. instrument that fits in your pocket. Stop bleeding instantly with the use of a five-dollar over the counter powder. Integrate the effectiveness of the ancient methods into your modern fight training and gain an edge that will help you fight more and recover quicker.
The Athlete
Your hand is raised in victory as the winner is announced. The crowd roars with approval as it echoes through the stadium. The shear adrenalin of cage competition keeps you training, motivated, and hungry for more. As you return to the locker room, your trainer begins his evaluation, checking your
face, arms, legs, feet and hands, taking note of the various levels of bumps, bruises and trauma. “Good…” He briefly checks the small cut above your eye and commences his interview. “Any pressure in your head, how do your eyes feel, does it sting when I press here?” He cuts off your handwraps
carefully and disposes of the mass of garbled tape and gauze. He pulls out a metal tuning fork and strikes it on the bench as you hydrate with the formula he mixed up. “How’s this feel, any sharp pain on this bone?” He runs firmly along the bone in your hand with the base of the tuning fork. “No?
Great!” He opens his bag as the Athletic Commission Official and some of the other fighters and trainers glance over curiously, while your trainer begins to work on you methodically. He lines up a variety of dark bottles and begins immediately to apply the first one, spraying your knee, shins and feet, then barks, “Right hand, spread your fingers.” He sprays the brown gunk thickly on the back of your hand and pulls out a roll of cellophane, wrapping your right hand with the self-stick plastic. The familiar herbal scent of the Dit Da Jow permeates the air, the smell mildly pleasing yet curious.
Working like a technician, the trainer re-sprays the areas he had hit earlier, commenting “These bruises are almost gone Kid, breathe this vial for about a minute, but don’t get any on your nose or it will burn like an SOB. It’s peppermint oil, it will help you bring more oxygen into your blood and wake you up a bit.” He puts some kind of hot oil on his hands and rubs it vigorously deep into your neck and traps. “Ahhh, that’s tightening up!” you hiss. “Relax and breathe”, the trainer whispers, I’m almost done. Nice job tonight, finish your recovery drink.” He quickly removes the acupuncture needles placed earlier from your forehead and knees. You look at his smiling face with a big sigh,
“Thanks Sifu, you’re the best!” The next day you feel great. No bruises, no headache, a little sore maybe…but, “Hell, it was a hard fight.
The Trainer
The technician was using the methods developed through hundreds of years of medicinal technology known as Dit Da, the techniques of Chinese Hit Medicine. The pre-fight and post-fight procedures of the Dit Da technician can have a dramatic affect on the healing and recovery time of the Martial Athlete. The Chinese have long been the pioneers in ancient and modern medical procedures and produce absolutely astounding results in the arena of Fight First Aid. Make no mistake! The information in this article is no replacement for a doctor, trained Sifu or Hit Medicine Expert. If you are serious about your Professional Fight career, everything you do should bring you closer to your goal as a MMA Champion. Having a qualified Dit Da trainer is essential. However, there are some simple things you can do to help accelerate your healing and recovery. Here are a few suggestions that will help your recovery from hard training and competition abuse to your body.
Most of these basic supplies will be available on shortly. please contact for further information.
The Tools
Dit Da Jow- Translated means Hit Medicine Wine, though never taken internally and often is very poisonous if consumed, this alcohol-based potion is the generic name for bruise liniment. Nearly every Chinese Medical Practitioner has their own unique recipe. There are varying degrees of quality available ranging from very little to dramatic results depending upon quality. When high in quality, this lotion will literally dissipate the blood contusion in minutes. I prefer to apply this with an atomizer spray bottle. This liniment is most effective when applied within 10 minutes of the trauma. After the initial hour the body’s rescue and recovery system is in full gear. Initial Dit Da First Aid minimizes the catabolic process and accelerates the anabolic processes. Every hour you wait extends the recovery and healing process. Sprains and contusions may be wrapped with cellophane overnight. This will help with herbal compound to absorb into the localized area.
Zheng Gu Shui- This is a hot external liniment used traditionally to increase blood flow to and surrounding areas difficult to affect such as joints, ligaments and bone. This liniment is also alcohol-based and very volatile. When sprayed on the arms and legs Zheng Gu Shui warms up the limbs, bringing heat to the athletes extremities prior to the physical warm up. It is excellent in the promotion of body’s joint and bone healing. Never wrap the area the liniment is applied to as Zheng Gu Shui will chemically burn the skin.
Arnica Montana- An herbal embrocation used for relief of muscle or joint pain. Arnica is also very affective on bruising. The great quality about Arnica is it is inexpensive, easily obtainable, almost odorless and because it is not aromatically obtrusive you can use it several times a day and still be socially acceptable. Arnica Gel is my preferred form of the liniment. Wrap the Arnica treated area with cellophane overnight and will it absorb into your skin more affectively.
Yunnan PaiYao- This is an excellent over the counter blood clotter. It’s in a small bottle in powder form. Dip a Q-tip with a little Vaseline or a just dry and apply to a cut or up the nose for nosebleed. It’s inexpensive and stops bleeding immediately. I was not allowed to use this ringside by one State Athletic Commission at the UFC, because it was, as they said…not approved. So, check before the fight event.
WoodLock Oil- This is sold under the brand name wong to yick. This is an excellent hot oil based liniment used as a deep muscle rub. The trainer can rub this vigorously into the sore or tight muscles, or areas that have been subjected to strain, tear or overstretching. Rub liberally into the inflicted area. Stay away from sensitive areas such as the groin and eyes, this oil is very difficult to remove and will burn intensely. Wash your hands well with hot, soapy water. All oil-based liniments are resilient and will stay on your hands if not washed. Woodlock brings heat and blood to the muscle, increasing blood flow is the key to fast recovery.
Tuning Fork- This is a simple instrument used to detect bone fractures on site and in the field. This was used prior to the development of x-rays by doctors and is still very effective method of first diagnosis. The tuning fork is not infallible however and should be followed up with a visit to a radiologist if there is any possibility of fracture. if there is ANY doubt, get e.r. bound.
About The Writer/Trainer
Kevin Seaman began his formal martial arts training in 1970, using it as a method of self-development and personal discipline. To date he has achieved advanced instructor levels in seven different martial arts systems, totaling eight Blackbelts, and is a certified boxing coach, Pro MMA Coach, certified police defensive tactics instructor, published author and certified trainer. He also has an extensive background in basic Chinese Medical Practices, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning, mental performance, and nutrition.
Kevin Seaman endorses Dr. Jed Michael as one of the BEST Pre-Fight and Post-Fight Dit Da Doctors.
© Kevin Seaman 2008 All rights reserved.
Kevin Seaman makes no claims as to efficacy or safety of imported Chinese patent medicines. No warranties for products or procedures apply to products appearing on this page. Information on this site is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice of your own physician or other medical professional. Kevin Seaman and will not be held liable, responsible or accountable for any result in reference to this article.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements, topical agents or procedures have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
WOW!! Have I put together an incredible Seminar for YOU! Don’t miss the Fastest Human Being I have ever witnessed in 42 years in the Martial Arts, Sifu Francis Fong!
Sifu Francis Fong is undoubtably ONE of the most amazing, energetic and talented Martial Arts Instructors in the Country! Sifu will share his 40+ years experience and expertise in the Martial Arts in this Highly Comprehensive Seminar. Sifu Fong is back for the first time in ten years teaching here in Syracuse, New York. The seminar is hosted by Sifu Kevin Seaman in conjunction with the Syracuse Martial Arts Academy. According to Dan Inosanto, Sifu Francis Fong one of the Finest Wing Chun Instructors teaching today. Sifu will absolutely BLOW your mind with his ability and blinding speed. This is one seminar you will not want to miss!
January 11/12, 2014
Saturday 12pm-4pm/Sunday 10am-2pm
Hosted by Kevin Seaman and Syracuse Martial Arts
Syracuse Martial Arts Academy
Shoppingtown Mall, Dewitt, NY
(Sears Wing, down the hall from Dick’s Sporting Goods)
Early Bird- Before December 1st- 1 Day $80./ Both Days $150.
Pre-Reg- Before December 30th- 1 Day $95./ Both Days $170.
At The Door/ after December 30th- 1 Day $110./ Both Days 185.
Space at the door is NOT guaranteed, Pre-Registration is highly recommended!
To Register Go To:
Call for more Info: 607-423-5159
or Syracuse Martial Arts at 315-491-3756
Movement with purpose is both therapeutic and revitalizing. This is why I feel the Martial Arts is so valuable.
People always are amazed when they find out what I do for a living. My friends think I teach people to FIGHT. Yes and no. I teach them how to stay safe and channel their anger, frustration and contention, as a way of overcoming these poisonous emotions and dispersing them. I teach them how to PLAY. By nature, I’m very easy going. This was NOT always true. As a kid, I was full of anger, hostility and frustration. When people hold on to HATE and ANGER, and refuse to let go of it, it will eventually destroy their LIFE.
My girl says I’m just a layed-back California surfer dude. Although that’s partly true, it is the martial arts play that has taught me how to channel my energy, (both positive and negative). It nourishes my very soul. It is both necessary and vital to my happiness and health.
ONE OF MY CORE PHILOSOPHIES: The ocean is powerful and uncaring, it will crush you if you fight it. The hostility of it’s power must be respected or you will become it’s victim. Don’t fight it, you can’t win, you are insignificant in relation to it’s POWER, instead…learn to surf.
Sifu/ Ajarn Kevin Seaman will be doing two seminars in Dublin on different and unique subjects.
#1 The First Seminar is on Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. Sifu Kevin Seaman is a Full Instructor and Senior Student under both Sifu Dan Inosanto (Bruce Lee’s Protege) and Sifu Tim Tackett, with his experience in JKD of over 28 years. Considered one of the Top Authorities on Jeet Kune Do, Sifu Kevin authored one of the most respected books available on the subject; Jun Fan Gung Fu: Seeking The Path Of Jeet Kune Do. According to Dan Inosanto, “Kevin, your book is just as valuable as the Tao Of Jeet Kune Do!”
The areas covered are, JKD Trapping and Trapping Counters, and JKD Grappling, which includes chokes, joint locks/breaks, defending a standing attacker when down, takedowns and ground striking. This seminar will be hosted by Brian Kennedy and Dublin JKD.
#2 The Second Seminar is entitled Thai Boxing Tricks Of The Trade. This seminar has been very popular in the U.S. and attended by fighters from the UFC, Bellator, USMTA, WKA, Thai Boxing Association USA, along with Thai Boxing and Martial Arts enthusiasts. Ajarn Kevin Seaman will share a culmination of techniques and strategies from his 26 years of experience in Muay Thai, that is guaranteed to improve your striking ability regardless of your level. Ajarn Kevin Seaman is a Senior Student and Ajarn Rank under Ajarn Chai Sirisute, President of the Thai Boxing Association. This seminar will be hosted by Ray Butcher and Balance Studio Ireland.
Contact Information:
Jeet Kune Do Seminar
Date: May 24, 2013 6:30pm-9pm
Brian Kennedy- +353 857 226 5137
Seminar Location: Ballyfermot Sports Facility
Gurteen Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Price: 50 Euro
Thai Boxing Seminar
Date: May 25, 2013 10am-12:30pm
Ray Butcher: 353 087 229 7215
Seminar Location: Balance Ireland
Unit 4, Grattan Business Park
Clonshaugh Industrial Estate, Dublin 17
Price: 50 Euro
One of the things I love about Jiu Jitsu is, it is results oriented, you basically get what you earn. There is a very direct and very profound truth that you learn as you develop in Jiu Jitsu, “you get immediate feedback.” If you don’t have the defenses, you know it when you roll. If you don’t roll, you don’t have the experience. If you don’t have the experience, you need to work more and approach it SMARTER. You become humble, or you LEAVE. You tap or you become unconscious. You respect your training partner, or you “Get Worked.” The very practice of Jiu Jitsu is a practice of perseverance, persistence, humility and problem solving.
In these times we are living in it is very common for people to expect a feeling of certainty in regard what they feel “They Deserve”. Many young people seem to feel they should have what everyone has, without putting in the time, work, dedication, sweat and sacrifice. I believe this feeling of entitlement places a low value on what they actually DO have. This world of immediate gratification and instant results is at the service of this generation, they want it all, and they want it NOW!
One of the products of this behavior is, many times people DO get things without putting in the work, and because of this, we have developed a generation of mediocrity. In fact, it appears that mediocrity is the NEW standard. People can do just enough to get by in their jobs, in school and in LIFE and still somewhat prosper. In schools, you can be mediocre as an athlete and still be on the team, and you won’t sit on the bench. You can be mediocre in class and still progress. You can enter a contest, and everyone gets a prize. There is usually a “Safety Net”, so if we don’t do what we are supposed to, we are given guidance and second chances, warnings and special conditions. And if we aren’t given these provisions, if we FAIL because of our behavior, we are shocked. We have developed a generation of people that don’t like to be disappointed. In fact, one of the things most often said to me by my clients and their parents are, “What if they don’t succeed?” They don’t want to be disappointed. I’m going to give you a “SHOCKER” folks. Disappointment is the foundation of excellence. Disappointment is critical and necessary for success! Without disappointment, there is no perseverance, no persistence, no reaching for the next level, no excellence! Anybody who has been highly successful, whether it is in business, sports, career, scholastically or in any area that is of any real importance has failed many times. I have personally FAILED to the point of tears. To the point that I wanted to GIVE UP! To the degree that I was so frustrated, that I had to succeed in order to redeem my dignity and self esteem. That is HOW I SUCCEEDED!
Much of this attitude of self-entitlement is unrealistic, but what is even more dangerous, it is against some very basic LAWS of human survival. One of the first laws we are taught is the “Law Of Reciprocity”. This is a very fundamental, and logic based natural principle of life. What you reap, so you must sow. You get back what you put in. You become what you think about most of the time. And it comes from our very existence, if we didn’t hunt or forage, we starved. If we didn’t fight our enemies, we perished. If we didn’t find safe shelter, we would die. Pretty simple concept, wouldn’t you agree? Yet, for some reason, parents decided that they wanted to provide MORE for their children, give them a life that they, perhaps didn’t have. The HUGE problem with this ideal is, there is little work put in, so there is little value placed on the efforts these people give to their children. They want more! They have become a generation of loving things and using people. Rather than loving people and using things! In their eyes, The Law Of Reciprocity has become the Law Of I Deserve This Because Of Who I am. What many hold as valuable has become predicated without VALUES.
We as individuals, as teachers, as parents have the ability to guide others to see the importance of the VALUE of developing ourselves, and our values. One thing I learned a long time ago is, it’s never crowded at the top. If you put in the time to become a little better each day, a little more skilled, a little stronger, you will be above the status quo, you will be unique and you will be rewarded congruently with your ACTION. If you do nothing, you deserve relatively the same. NOTHING. Be the anomaly, become the model, set the NEW standard. Develop yourself, make your list and begin NOW!
Inspired and powered by The Winning Mind Set Book
©2013 all rights reserved Kevin Seaman/
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. What do I do? I teach people how to be exceptional. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at the e-mail address :
© 2013 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
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The Circle of
1) Visualize for a moment a time when you were in a state of total confidence. Picture it in your mind’s eye in total detail. See it as being close and in complete focus. Adjust or be aware of your physiology, how are you standing, what expression do you have on your face? What is your pattern of breathing? What other emotions are you experiencing when you picture yourself in this state? Be aware of as many sub-modalities in as much detail as possible.
2) Now visualize a colored circle on the floor surrounding you. As you continue to focus on your state of confidence, step out of the circle, leaving your feeling of confidence in the circle. If you have difficulty feeling as though you have stepped out and away from your circle, try taking another step, or as many as necessary to accomplish this.
3) Now picture in your mind’s eye vividly an objective or task you feel uncertain about that you have coming up in the future. Something that you are not looking forward to or something that has been difficult or awkward for you in the past.
4) As you picture that event I want you to link something you see that starts or preludes the event. It could be your name being announced before a speech or an athletic event. It could be the voice of someone you have a meeting with. Take a moment and visualize this clearly.
5) Now step back into the circle and think of this link, this prelude. Notice how this feels. What you have done is created an anchor to associate confidence from a previous state to the new event by using the link.
©2012 Kevin Seaman/
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at the e-mail address :
© 2012 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
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What’s Your M.I.Q.?
by Kevin Seaman
I’m sure you’ve heard of the term, “I.Q.”, these are initials for the words, “Intelligence Quotient.” Your IQ is the most recognized type of intelligence. Throughout a person’s formal education they are tested on their verbal and mathematical intelligence. This is generally the basis for evaluating a student’s I.Q.
But, did you realize that there are multiple forms of intelligence? In fact, did you know there are over ten different recognized forms of intelligence? Extensive research has been done on this subject by individuals like Dr. Howard Gardner, Professor at the Harvard University Graduate School in his studies of Extraordinary Minds.
Your unique “combination of intelligence” is what makes up your individual character and personality. It is the framework of who you are as a person.
Here are just a few examples of the many different forms of intelligences people possess.
1) The first type of intelligence is your “verbal intelligence.” This is the ability to speak and communicate with others, to use and understand language. This would be valuable to a leader, an administrative director or politician. Someone like JFK, Martin Luther King, Anthony Robbins and Zig Zigler are prominent examples of verbal intelligence.
2) Your second intelligence is mathematical. This would be in regard to your capability to add, subtract, multiply and divide, to read financial statements and have the grasp of basic ac- counting and economics. Someone with this intellectual strength make insightful brokers, investment consultants and CPA’s.
3) The third form of intelligence is “physical intelligence.” A person could fail miserably on a verbal and mathematical exam yet be extraordinary in the field of athletics, although this may not show up on their report card. Many people with this form of intelligence were looked at as NOT as smart as others when I was going to school. This is a stereotypical outlook due to the status quo. In times past, these individuals were powerful warriors, Tribal Chiefs, hunters and leaders due to their skills. This form of intelligence has to do with how well you command the use of your body, your balance, coordination, agility, timing, distance judgment, use of body strengths and body awareness. This is evident with people like basketball player Michael Jordan, swimmer Michael Phelps, and martial arts master, Bruce Lee. This form of intelligence is one of the highest paid and idolized qualities when utilized and applied at an optimum level.
4) Your fourth form of intelligence is musical. As with individuals like, Mozart or Beethoven, Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison, Kenny G, or Stevie Ray Vaughn. They are all examples of high levels of musical intelligence, yet these individuals, as students, may not have been considered intelligent and may not have done well in other school subjects. None the less, they had a unique ability to create music that was at an exceptional level.
5) Your fifth form of intelligence is what is referred to as visual and spatial intelligence. This is the ability to see and use shapes, forms and patterns. A painter, an architect, an engineer or a sculptor would possess high levels of this form of intelligence. A designer, for example, may be able to develop a dynamic car design and then work with an engineer to materialize that design into a beautiful Lamborghini or Ferrari. A sculptor or architect may see a vision of structures, then people with different levels of intelligence may be able to help transform or convert this into a reality.
6) Your sixth form of intelligence is interpersonal. This is the highest paid form of intelligence in America. It is the ability to communicate, negotiate, persuade, motivate, to be interested in and influence other people. It consists of a high degree of sensitivity to the moods and thoughts and feelings of others and the ability to interact with them effectively in order to get things done both with them and through them. Managers, team leaders, coaches, consultants and politicians usually have interpersonal intelligence developed to a very high degree. because of this, people want to work with them and cooperate with them in order to accomplish group goals or projects. Many people who have the 1st form of intelligence have this 6th one as well.
7) Your seventh form of intelligence is intra-personal intelligence. This is the advanced ability to be very aware of yourself, to know exactly what you want and what you don’t want, and be able to set goals and make plans. For their success, people with a high level of intra-personal intelligence spend a good deal of their time reflecting on how they are thinking and feeling. These individuals are able to communicate internally more effectively in many cases. They therefore, know themselves better and better able to relate to others.
8) The eighth form of intelligence is entrepreneurial intelligence. This is the ability to see needs or market opportunities and then be able to provide products or services to meet these needs and sell them at a profit. The developers of Apple, Amazon and Ebay are in this category.
9) The ninth form of intelligence is intuitive intelligence. “I refer to this as a form of primal intelligence.” This is the ability to sense the rightness or wrongness of a situation. To judge situations or people quickly and accurately, to come up with ideas, insights, or solutions using your intuitive abilities. This gives you the ability to react quickly to a problem or sense danger almost before it happens. My mother was an excellent example of a high level of intuitive intelligence.
10) Your tenth form of intelligence is abstract, or conceptual intelligence. This form of creative intelligence was possessed by Albert Einstein, who could see himself riding on a beam of light, as a result he was able to formulate the theory of relativity. Writers, artists and rainmakers are a few examples of these individuals, such as Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs and James Patterson.
11) The last form of intelligence is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is your ability to relate to how others are feeling and being able to express your emotions and feelings to others. People who have high levels of emotional intelligence know how to touch others deeply and usually have a great deal of control and clarity as to the emotions of themselves and others. They are very receptive to the emotional states and needs that are present and therefore more capable of guiding themselves and others in the proper direction.
“You possess special talents and abilities that make you unique, different from anyone else who has ever lived. The odds of there being another person just like you are more than 50 billion to one. Your remarkable and unusual combination of education, experience, knowledge, problems, successes, difficulties and challenges, and your way of looking at and reacting to life, make you extraordinary.” –Brian Tracy
How Can You Use This?
Although there are probably more, these are some of the more obvious forms of intelligence. Each and every one of us possesses a unique combination of some or many of these forms of intelligence at different levels and degrees. This unique personal combination is what forms a kind of personal intellectual profile. It makes you unique from any other person and simultaneously capable of performing at extraordinary levels.
As with all forms of intelligence, some people will possess a certain level of natural or developmental aptitude in each area. However, I do believe that anyone can improve and cultivate any of the forms of intelligence discussed in this article to a higher degree regardless of their natural aptitude. What you can do is to identify your intelligences, be aware of them, respect and develop them. Respect the variable intelligences of others as well. Also, take an opportunity to develop a high level of faith and confidence, and engage your ability to use your mental powers. You have the ability to accomplish amazing things with your “unique personal combination of these mental powers.” They are yours alone, take action and make use of them. You will be absolutely amazed at what you can accomplish!
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at the e-mail address listed above.
© 2012 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
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Work to learn and understand as much as you can about your brain and how to manage your sub-conscious mind. Your Personal OS is the key to excelling at your potential in the Martial Arts. Here are a few tips to get you started on your Mind Game.
1) Reason
Use both your insight and the insight of a mentor, coach or skilled professional to help develop your ability to reason. In MMA, as in other competitive arenas, it’s not always the better athlete or technician that wins. Many times it’s the right strategy that determines success.
2) Perception
Become extremely tuned into your perception. Learn about how you can strengthen your empowering beliefs and change your dis-empowering beliefs. Try to perceive what you see, feel and believe from more than one frame of reference. I cover beliefs in great detail in my book, The Winning Mind Set.
3) Will
Develop your will and you will be a force to be reckoned with. Will is about passion. Remember, the “why” we do something is always more powerful than any “what” or “how”. Attack your training and your development with passion and persistence. Develop a stronger “Will” by bombarding you’re your sub-conscious with personal self-made audio recordings, verbal affirmations and written notes of “what you want, why you want it and how you will get it.” This absolute sub-conscious saturation of positive reinforcement will strengthen your WILL to an unstoppable level.
4) Memory
Work to strengthen your positive associations and diminish your negative associations where needed. Use anchors in conjunction with visualization to tap into your sub-conscious. Many times athletes will create stress by focusing on past losses, and then repeat their poor performance because it was imbedded in their sub-conscious. Learn more about the how to use the power of your associations to past experiences, I touch on these in great detail in my book, The Winning Mind Set and in past articles.
5) Imagination
Practice, not just in the gym, but in your Mind Gym as well. By visualizing over and over in your head exactly and precisely what you want to accomplish in the fight, with your technique and in your performance, you will become 10X the athlete you were capable of through mere physical training. If you cut kick your trainer 20X in training and 50X in your head, you’ve just not only improved your cut kick technically, but you’ve improved your success ratio. Because guess what? You will always do it better and more consistent in your visualizations than you do when you perform physically. Repetition is the mother of skill, and as my friend World Class trainer Greg Nelson says, “Practice makes HABIT.” If you practice it right, it’s habit, if you practice it wrong it’s still habit.
6) Intuition
Use your intuition to read your opponent’s intention. If you pay close attention, you can tell what his level of confidence is and in what area he may be weaker or more powerful than you. This intuitive information can give you insight into how to strategize your approach.
Remember, your sub-conscious is the KEY to your behavior, performance and ultimate success. Although your conscious mind may be very strong, when paired with the power of your sub-conscious, you will be optimal in your performance!
According to Professor Relson Gracie, his father Helio believed that success in Jiu Jitsu was 90% mental and 10% physical. Hmm…something to carefully consider?
“I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest.” -Muhammad Ali
Thanks To Phil Migliarese/ Balance Studios
Photo By Eric “the Imagemaker” Zippe
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at
© 2012 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
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The Power Within
“What we believe becomes our reality, and we don’t live in reality, we live within our personal representation of reality.”
Belief is a feeling of certainty. There is no maybe, just certainty.
In order to change a belief, we must adjust our references that support that belief. Always remember, you get what you focus on. This is what distinguishes the difference between a champion and everyone else. A champion focuses on the references they have in relation to excellence, they think about the positive references that relate to their personal experiences. In other words, they think and focus on what they have ACCOMPLISHED, what others have accomplished, what others have said positively about them, etc., and most of all, they imagine success! They see it, feel it, hear it and taste it. That is what they focus on and that is what they become, successful! They make those images big, bright and bold in their mind’s eye constantly, and so it becomes. They push their thoughts and visions about their losses, failures and undesirable outcomes way back in the darkest file room, making them a small, unimportant learned test, that has expired in it’s value, no longer part of the future. When I look to find an athlete’s “sticking point”, I always find it is in some way related to what they believe to be true.
Is it always reality?…No, but it’s always their reality.
Did you know, that we have the most amazing built in homing device available, that there is only one other animal that has a goal seeking homing device that is as sophisticated and accurate as the one human beings posses? The homing pigeon is the only other being in the animal kingdom that even comes close. There is a part of our brain called the reticular cortex. This small finger size part of our brain is instrumental in filtering information, sort of a like a bouncer at a club that allows only certain clients to enter. This filtering system is known as the “Reticular Activating System”, a master sorting system that is truly invaluable to us. When you focus on something, your mind looks for every possible way to get it. So, always focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want!
Just because you aren’t competing, doesn’t mean you can’t BE a champion!
© Kevin Seaman 2012/
People often ask me HOW do you do it? “IT” being all the different martial arts I study (11) and teach (I approximate the number of total classes I’ve taught to be around 26,000), the dozens of articles and blogs, 3 books I’ve written and the crazy sports; boxing,kickboxing, full contact stick fighting, Jiu Jitsu, skiing, kitesurfing, surfing, motocross, kayaking, rock climbing, wilderness camping, hunting, fishing, etc…I’ve been, and in some cases I am still involved in?
On top of that I run and I am sustained by owning and running my own business for the last 28 years, 19 of which I operated a successful martial arts school. Did I mentioned I was a trained Chef and opened my own restaurant in a very prestigious area in Southern California at age 23? …or that I’ve taught at one of only 8 Ivy League Universities in the world for the past 20 years?
The answer???
I absolutely decided at a turning point in my life to….
What got you here to this point will not get you to where you want to go. What do I mean by this? As a player, team, coach, or just trying to survive, you are in a constant league of competitive improvement and evolution. You cannot play at the level that got you to the state championships, when you are in the nationals. You cannot play or think at the level you were at as an amateur, fighting as a Professional. What got you here will not get you where you want to be. Now, this is not to say you should change your approach, if it works for you on the levels you are now competing at; then it is sound, in concept and principle. The KEY Component to focus on is the “Elevation Of The Standards” you and/or your athletes hold for themselves.
NOW, you may be thinking to yourself that’s Great, but how can I use this?
Ask yourself, am I a World Class Coach? If the answer is not absolutely affirmative, there may be an issue with your self-concept. If the answer is yes, then how does a World Class coach act? Think? Dress? Stand? Speak? Interact? Are your standards as high as possible? Do you expect more from yourself than anyone else possibly could? If you are honest, you are thinking, “I have some work to do.”
…And how about your team? Do they emit the energy of a team of Champions? Do they practice at the highest standards, play their very best, walk, talk and act with the confidence, style and charisma of a champion? Are they 100% ON when they practice, train and compete? Are they HUNGRY? Are they MINDFUL of their goal? Do they fight with the intent, desire and passion as if no one could possibly expect more out of them than themselves?
It’s actually pretty simple, if you want the BEST, you MUST raise your standards to the level of those that are the best! You want more, BE more!
As one of my teachers pointed out to me….It’s NEVER crowded at the TOP, Kevin!
One of the most remarkably amazing qualities I have witnessed in the truly gifted martial arts masters I have had the opportunity to meet, observe or trained with, is their focus on the foundational basics. They have a nearly flawless execution of simplicity. This absolute and total understanding of the quality of simplicity allows them to respond both physically and psychologically to most problems with an equally simple solution. In martial arts and martial athletics competition, the more complex a defense or attack is, the more likely it will be defended against. As well, the larger a motion is the easier it is to counter, deflect and avoid.
“To me, the extraordinary aspect of martial arts lies in its simplicity. The easy way is also the right way, and martial arts is nothing at all special; the closer to the true way of martial arts, the less wastage of expression there is.”
-Bruce Lee
The Common Thread
As a coach and career martial artist; of over 40 years, I’ve observed and trained under some of the best out there. In the sport of Martial Athletics, the BEST have a common thread. They are really good at a few things and they have a very strong mindset! Kickboxer “Superfoot” Bill Wallace used only three kicks and did them with only his lead foot, yet beat the best at that time period time after time. Muay Thai Champion Rob Kaman has a few favorite combinations and exceptional timing and execution, as does Ramon Deckker. MMA Russian Champion Fedor Emelianenko has three favorite submissions. Judo Olympian Mike Swain had only a handful of throws. Rickson Gracie’s finish is usually a choke. Ajarn Chai Sirisute WILL land his blistering round kick on you. Everyone knows what these individuals will probably do when they fight them, yet these champions rarely lose, if ever, and in most cases, there is nothing you can do to stop them.
Simplicity= Mastery
As I have observed this, the philosophy known as Occam’s Razor immediately comes to my mind. There are two parts that are considered the foundation of Occam’s Razor, and they were originally written in Latin:
The Principle of Plurality – Plurality should not be posited without necessity
The Principle of Parsimony – It is pointless to do with more what is done with less
In other words, the simplest explanation is usually the right one. The term razor illustrates the principle of shaving away unnecessary assumptions to get to the simplest explanation. In the reference of Martial Athletic Competition, use as little as possible to get the optimum result.
But, simpler does not mean easier, and before you can carve away the things unessential to your personal expression and character, you must FIRST have a strong foundational mass. You cannot eliminate what you do not have.
This philosophy, applies not just to the physical aspects of MMA training and competition, but is consistently true in the mental aspects as well.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo da Vinci
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at
© 2012 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
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These are the words Ajarn Chai spoke to me when we first met. It has been 25 years since I first began training with Grandmaster Chai Sirisute. I am honored beyond words to have been promoted to Ajarn! Today was a great day (September 7, 2012).
Thank you Sattrachan Chai, and thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way.
I remember this boxing coach I had many years ago used to yell at me for putting my head down when I sparred. Even though I was 18, It was just like yesterday I heard Patty Millen yell, keep your eyes up, on your opponent, stop looking down! Why you wanna look down all the time? You like it down there? You keep that up and that’s where you’ll end up, on the canvas… down there, then, you’ll be looking up!
Well, damned if it didn’t happen to me not long after that day. I was working with this guy, moving around the ring and I came in for an attack. He was really sharp with his 1-2…so, I put my head down and BOAM! I got an uppercut that would have slammed a ten penny nail in a 2X4. I lay on my back looking up at the lights and the ceiling, and the first thing that immediately POPPED in my head was…Damn, Coach was right! Instead of looking where I wanted to go, I looked exactly to the place where I didn’t want to BE, and guess what? That is exactly where I ended up!
Well, this moment has popped up several times in my life when I began to…you guessed it, look or focus on precisely what I didn’t want. You see in life, I’ve discovered, you GET what you focus on. If you have problems and you focus on those problems, that is exactly what you get. Those problems! If you, however focus on your goals, solutions to these problems, or even just going in the direction of where you want to BE, that is where you will go and the solutions and resolutions will disclose themselves to you! We all have amazing capabilities, sometimes we just need to be reminded which direction to go!
The Real Secret
By Kevin Seaman
What is the most important skill you need to develop in order to become a great martial artist? Kicking skills, right? Because if you have powerful, lightning fast kicks you can cut through any opponent. Wrong! What about footwork and agility? With complete command of your footwork, then, no one can touch you. You will control the distance, being able to strike out with blinding speed and effectiveness, frustrating and overwhelming your opponent at will. No, that’s not it either! Remember, we’ve all been told if you lack conditioning everything else will go down the tubes if you get tired,. That’s it… right? Nope! Okay, Okay. Then it must be a winning attitude. No one can stop you if you have that! The mentally strong, motivated, determined fighter is the hardest to beat!
It has its time and place when it’s important, as do all of the things I mentioned. You’re on the right track, but guess what the REAL SECRET is? It’s respect! It’s consideration, and courtesy for yourself and others.
Respect for yourself means taking good care of you. Your appearance, your hygiene, your personal habits, how you eat, what you put in your body and what you do to yourself all reflect a personal respect for your body. And what about respect for yourself on a mental and emotional basis? Do you treat yourself the way you would like others to treat you? Do you put yourself down, ignore your potential, put guilt trips on yourself, and let others manipulate, use, and/or take advantage of you? Do you then lose your temper or patience with yourself rather than being honest and assertive about your problem and solution? Being honest to yourself and others is a sign of discipline and strength. These are all issues of personal consideration and respect.
In Muay Thai, we are taught from the beginning that Wai (Respect) is a crucial part of learning and someday perhaps mastering the ART. Since my first encounter with Thai Boxing training, I can remember these words sounding in my ears by Ajarn Chai Sirisute, “Don’t forget to be disciplined!”
Respect means showing regard for worth, the worth of others, and your environment. This includes treating your own life with value and treating others as having rights equal to yours.
Why is respect for yourself so important? It’s because people who lack respect for themselves and others also lack self-esteem, and a strong self-image. If you don’t care about “you”, how can you possibly meet or exceed your potential as a martial artist? More profoundly, how can you respect others, if you don’t respect yourself?
Ever wonder why experts when teaching others how to develop their skills in the Martial Arts stress courtesy and respect so often? Because as instructors, we want you to understand that the way you treat yourself and others is a direct representation of your attitude. We want you to respect life and use discretion as to how and when you use your skills. We want you to reflect a positive image of yourself to others, for them to trust and respect you. We know that without self respect and respect for others you will never reach excellence in the Martial Arts. We also understand that YOU are a representative of US, and want you to realize that disrespect is a direct insult to yourself, your instructor, and their instructors. We know that without self-control, self-discipline, strong ethical standards, and courtesy and respect for others you’re a dangerous liability for yourself and others. That is why!
“He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.”
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
What Can You Do To Improve?
Quite simply exercise your simple courtesies on a daily basis. Simple courtesies are FREE. They don’t cost you a thing and they are an excellent emotional investment, because of the positive impression they impose on others. Look for opportunities to sharpen your respect skills everyday. As martial artists we all realize the value of repetition. In effect repetition is the mother of skill. So if you want to improve your kicks you need to kick. If you want to improve your ground fighting, you need to practice fighting on the ground. If you want to improve certain life skills, you need to practice those as well. Remember, whatever you practice you become. It will totally amaze you how you will feel and more importantly how others will feel about you.
A Simple Act
Say something to make someone feel good. Point out a positive quality you’ve noticed about them. Hold the door for someone, give a cheerful thank you or please, or help someone with a problem. A simple act like giving your seat to a senior or shoveling the snow from his or her walk can mean a lot to someone in need.
Listen to a friend; spend more time trying to be interested, instead of trying to be interesting. Listen with caring to a person with a problem, rather than searching for flaws or imperfections. Don’t try to fix what’s troubling them, by pointing out how their problem could be solved or being judgmental. If you think about it when you judge someone else’s opinion, it really says more about your need to criticize and judge others than it does about the person you’re making assessments of. Instead respect how they must be feeling. Being compassionate and understanding someone else’s view or concern does not require you to agree with him or her, only that you respect their freedom for choice in their view.
At this TIME in our society, the cool thing to do is act tough, and disrespect is more and more common. This is a sign of disintegration of values, morals, and mental health. It is what we see in so many forms of communication, whether it is in music, movies, reality TV or the internet. This is common. As martial artists, we DO NOT want to be considered common! As true Martial Artists we strive to be uncommon, to have higher standards, and to be the best we can be!
“Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.” ~Clint Eastwood
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that Martial Arts is one of the most amazing vehicles for self-improvement you have available to help you become a better person. One of the most important lessons my teacher, Grandmaster Chai taught me was “Be soft and smooth as SILK, and hard and strong like a DIAMOND.” Make the emotional effort to improve your courtesy skills next time you are in class. Seek excellence, train hard and remember… In life, you don’t get what you want. In life, you get what you are.
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at the e-mail address listed above.
© 2012 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
For more Winning Mind Set Strategic Wisdom To Live By…
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The Legendary Martial Arts Grandmaster Dan Inosanto is coming October 27 & 28 to the Syracuse Area for the first time in nearly TEN Years. Don’t Miss this opportunity to train hands on with one of the most respected and knowledgeable individuals in the martial arts world today! The seminar will be for two amazing days of training, Sat. and Sun. 10:00am to 4:00pm each day.
Where: Tai Kai Jiu Jitsu, 911 Old Liverpool Rd., Liverpool, NY 13088 (315) 395-0910
The cost is:
Early Bird- Before September 30th 1 Day $95./ Both Days $180.
Pre-Reg- Before October 12th 1 Day $115./ Both Days $195.
At The Door/ after October 12th 1 Day $130./ Both Days $220.
Space at the door is NOT guaranteed, Pre-Registration is highly recommended! Limited Enrollment!
Open to All Levels. Photos and Video Not Permitted.
Spectators will not be allowed. Special circumstances considered.
Call Kevin Seaman at 607‐423‐5159 for additional Information.
Don’t Miss This Rare Opportunity To Train With This Living Legend!
What Exactly Makes a Person Perform Better?
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why one person excels far beyond his or her competitive peers. What winning combination do these “Top Achievers” possess that sets them apart? Why is the margin sometimes so pronounced? Why did Michael Jordan standout? What allowed Gretzsky to dominate on the ice? Why does Mia Hamm seem to always be there when the ball is? What was the one quality that made Ali the seemingly unstoppable champ?
Let’s not stop at sports, there must be one distinct feature that sets the top achievers in every field in a category of excellence that is exponentially unique! I’ve heard some say, it’s genetics. But, is it?
The world famous Martial Arts Master, Bruce Lee studied this same query. Lee was totally obsessed with the question of what made the superior athlete, technician, or warrior. I began reading about Bruce Lee and studying with his protege over 28 years ago. This is where I first learned about the concept of concentrating on improving the defining “Qualities or Attributes” that made a someone a top achiever or champion. Really, it is these attributes that create the combination that is superior.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
So, what are attributes? Attributes are strengths that attribute to or help make up who you are, sort of like personal assets. In order for us to have a clear distinction of our capability, aptitude and indeed our potential, we need to consider what our areas of strengths and weaknesses may be. In previous Tips of the Week, we have identified some of our emotional strengths and weaknesses. We have also confirmed that our beliefs are in part relevant to our own perception of our strengths and deficiencies. These are some of the elements that contribute to the make up of our identity, of who we are. But, it goes much deeper than that. Our attributes can be both psychological and physical in nature and can be naturally adopted skills and traits, or specifically learned and cultivated. I am of the belief that all attributes can be improved to some degree. It would also appear that certain attributes are absolutely crucial, if not critical, for any marked success in given fields.When we have that critical combination of attributes, necessary to succeed in our chosen field of endeavor developed to a level outstanding to that of our competition, we increase our chances for success beyond what we would have ever believed possible!
How Can I Use This?
First you must identify what qualities the most outstanding people in your chosen endeavor possess that make them outstanding. Now, write these qualities/attributes on a sheet of paper. Next, on a separate sheet draw two columns. At the top of the two columns write Psychological Attributes (focus, perseverance, courage, integrity, clarity, flexibility, confidence, etc.) On one side of the column write Strong on the other Needs Improvement. Half way down the paper write Physical Attributes (balance, endurance, flow, strength, speed, timing, coordination, etc.) as your second category, with the words Strong and Needs Improvement on either side of the column. Now investigate your personal qualities and areas of necessary improvement introspectively with absolute honesty. You are on the way to making some of the most important distinctions for improving your future success that you have ever made in your LIFE!
Now that you know what you possess, strengthen it. Now that you know what needs improvement, change it. The best way to improve something (or strengthen it) is to simply find the activities that most exemplify that skill and do them, as much as possible. This attribute specific cross training will do more to improve you than you would ever imagine. Don’t believe me! Believe yourself, try it.
“Believe in yourself.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence
by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face.
You must do that which you think you cannot do.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
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Send me your questions and comments:
Kevin Seaman is available for private training, consultation, coaching and speaking engagements. To inquire or if you would like to book Kevin for an event, team training or individual training contact us at the e-mail address listed above.
© 2012 all rights reserved. May be shared in entirety. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
Filling Your Jar
By Kevin Seaman
A friend of mine told me a story about a teacher of his that used a very convincing metaphor for a time management lecture. The teacher brought out a jar and a small pile of rocks. His analogy was that the jar was the time we had available and the rocks were the tasks we needed to complete. After placing all of the rocks in the jar he asked the students if the jar was full. When the students responded with a unified “yes”, he brought out some gravel (tasks) and poured it into the jar, filling the gaps between the larger rocks. He then asked the class if the jar was full now. The students now wise to the analogy, all replied “no”. The teacher then brought out a bag of sand and poured some into the jar, filling yet more gaps in the vessel.
At this point the observers felt certain that the jar must be full. Once again the teacher reached down and this time bringing a pitcher of water up onto the table, began to pour some of the liquid into the now apparently full jar until it was at the brim of the jar. He turned his attention to the curious students and asked, “What is the lesson we learned from the demonstration today?” One of the brightest students replied confidently, “We always have more time than we think!” The teacher smiled and said, “NO, the only way you will fit the biggest tasks in your schedule is to apply them first!”
World renowned personal development and business consultant, Brian Tracy say’s, Every morning when you get up eat a live frog! At that very point in time there will be no doubt that this will be the most difficult thing you’ve accomplished today! Brian is, of course, speaking metaphorically. Basically, try to accomplish the tasks that are the most overwhelming, the one’s you are most afraid to start because of their sheer immensity or your emotional connection (negative association) you have to them.
“You are always free to choose what to do first, what to do second, and what not to do at all.”
-Brian Tracy
How can I use this?: Always work on your largest or “greatest priority” tasks first, if you start with your simple, small tasks, they will continue to accumulate as your day progresses and you will be majoring in minor job tasks all day long. We want to accomplish those things that most contribute to our success in the areas we work in. Trust me, the small tasks will still be there when you are done with the major job task! Use the end of your day, when you’re less productive to clean up the small details.
Three Rules of work:
1. Out of clutter, find simplicity.
2. From discord, find harmony.
3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
-Albert Einstein
Have a comment or an experience to share, please post it and tell us about it.
Each Blog Issue I will help you add another facet to your Mental Toolbox and guide you to develop your Mind Game. I look forward to hearing your results and feedback.
© Copyright 2012 all rights reserved, Kevin Seaman
For more Winning Mind Set Strategic Wisdom To Live By…
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Building Your Mental Tool Box
By Kevin Seaman
Originally I organized the Winning Mind Set Program for myself and other athletes because I saw a void in the area of utilizing the mind’s involvement in a cognitive, organized, easily applicable method. Initially I applied what I learned to myself. I learned what worked and absorbed it, then built on it. I also learned
what didn’t work and rejected it, tossed it, filed it and learned from it as well.
There has not been a day that has passed since, where I haven’t made some improved adjustments, further researched the subject of personal development and performance enhancement, or asked myself key questions toward my effort to understand on a deeper level. Next, I applied what I learned to the people I have trained. Using these methods, I have helped thousands of people improve themselves athletically and personally, myself not withstanding.
Now, although the Winning Mind Set was initially formatted for athletes, coaches and trainers, the material is known as “Profound Knowledge” and can therefore be applied as a Universal Tool Box for success in any endeavor. Here are a few more TOOLS for your box.
1) Excellence has a structure! Therefore whatever it is you wish to accomplish there is someone who has either done it or done something similar that you can study from and unlock the essential KEYS to accelerate your success. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Research the experiences from as many of these people as possible, and replicate the areas applicable to you!
2) Experience also has a structure! When you change the structure of your thoughts, your feelings will also change in relation to those experiences.In other words, just as there is a CODE that opens certain programs in your computer, your brain also has codes which run certain physiological and emotional programs. Change the code, and you change the meaning of the prior experience.
3) You visualize thousands of times per day to control how and what you do! Imagine if you could control your visualization and control your outcome with incredible results, would that be valuable to you? It is as easy as changing channels on your TV set. First, be aware of what you are seeing in your head, is it where you want to go, or is it actually focused on where you fear that you will go? Is your inner dialog congruent with your inner vision? Or is that also focused on what you don’t want, rather what you do want? If you don’t like the channel, choose not to view it and adjust to what you do want. It’s absolutely that simple!
Don’t forget to change the sound. Adjust the dialog with according volume, voice quality and powerful words that stimulate and tap into the emotional power you need and want for success!
4) The quality of your life is relative to the quality of your communication with yourself and others! Your communication transmission is both internal and external. As I have stated in prior TIPS, research has concluded that you talk to yourself nearly 50,000 times a day.Yet, research has also shown most inner communication is negative.
Why is that? What you say and how you say it to yourself is crucial. Your communication is absolutely HABIT driven. In other words, Habits are patterns developed through repetition and they can be changed. Patterns are formed as we grow, they are etched into us from childhood and go something like this…. Don’t do that! Put that down, don’t touch that, Stop that…You’re too small…too young… No! No! No!.. No, you can’t, very rapidly becomes…No, I can’t in most people. How do you talk to yourself?
5) It’s not what happens…It’s how you respond to what happens! You cannot and I cannot control what happens to us in our lives. But, what we do have control of is how we respond to what happens. We actually only have control over three things in our lives: The words we use, the pictures we make in our head, and our actions.
I love this quote by Aldus Huxley
“Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”
Once again, the quality of your life is a direct result of the quality of your communication, both internally (with yourself) and externally (with others)? You see, in life it’s not what happens to us, but how we interpret it that gives it meaning. It’s not life, but how you represent life that determines the way you feel. …and actually we don’t experience reality, we experience our representation of reality. Well, just how do we represent our thoughts? We “re-present” our thoughts through the words we use. Remember, one of the most powerful principles of controlling our attitude is by controlling our thoughts through the words we use. For example, is it a catastrophe or a problem? Is it a disaster or a challenge? When you seek to de-amplify your problem, you will find it easier to take control of that problem and work towards a solution.
Although we have little control over the stress we face in our lives, what we can control is how well we respond to these problems. We realize we can limit our risk factors, but we cannot control how or when we may be challenged. We can, however, control how we respond. People who are highly skilled at problem solving possess the ability to respond quickly and effectively when faced with a challenge or a problem. They demonstrate high levels of “response-ability” on a daily basis.
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
-Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)
Have a comment or an experience to share, please post it and tell us about it.
Each Blog Issue I will help you add another facet to your Mental Toolbox and guide you to develop your Mind Game. I look forward to hearing your results and feedback.
© Copyright 2012 all rights reserved, Kevin Seaman
For more Winning Mind Set Strategic Wisdom To Live By…
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Goals For Fighters
By Kevin Seaman
Ready, Aim…Fire!
I order for a GOAL to be strongly established in your sub-conscious, it must first be written down.
If you’re merely thinking about your goal, it’s not really a goal at all…only a DREAM.
I write my goals in a small hardbound journal. Use what you feel is best for you.
1) What do you want? Write it down clearly and in complete detail. This is the “What” pertaining to your goals.
Example: I will compete in five events in 2012, being in the best shape of my life and performing to the best of my ability. I will develop my MMA skills by continuous, regimented daily training in the following areas: Stand up- footwork, individual striking w/ all tools, combination skills in Muay Thai. Transition/ground- positioning/angling, clinch, takedowns, submission, escapes/counters, G&P. Attribute qualities- timing,
power, strength, flexibility, focus cardio and muscular stamina, dietary discipline, and mental training. (This is just an example. You can apply this to any goal, competitive or not!)
2) Make an “Action Plan” of everything you need to do to over the next few days, weeks, months get you closer to your goal. This is the “How”.
3) Organize your list in terms of activities pertaining to time and priority. What’s first, what’s most important? Next you need to set your deadlines and several sub-deadlines. This is the “When”
4) Why is this important to you? What would it mean to you? In order to be successful we must create a meaning for what we do. How would accomplishing these goals affect your life and your future? It is usually who we become while accomplishing our goals that is most important. This is the “Why”.
5) Take action toward your goal and begin immediately to do something to move you in the direction of your goal. What are you committed to do to take your first step forward?
Direct 100% total commitment toward the accomplishment of your goal. Flexibility is absolutely crucial; if what you’re doing isn’t working, change your approach, if that doesn’t work, change your approach again until you succeed.
“It is my opinion that developing a mindset of having clear, distinct, written GOALS and working toward these goals, daily and incrementally is
the single most significant thing that will determine your ultimate success and absolute happiness in your life!”
-Brian Tracy
Tapping Into Your Sub-Conscious
Any person who wants to be successful in anything, regardless of what it is, he or she will fail far more times than they will succeed. Riding a bike, we all fell down far more times than we succeeded in staying up at first. Learning to walk, did you ever see a baby walk on his first try?
Conversely, did you ever see a baby get so frustrated and angry because he didn’t walk perfectly that he quit? So frustrated that he gave up and never tried again because he hadn’t gotten it yet? Of course not! But have you ever seen non-babies do that? Not you personally, but maybe people you know? Many people value success, but they also want to avoid feelings of failure (or feeling like a failure). The problem comes when a person’s fear or avoidance of failing prevents him from taking action and trying, or going through the necessary repetition of trial and error that it takes to master something. Remember, we all move toward pleasure and away from pain. Some of us are driven more by moving toward pleasure, some more by away from pain.
Many times people set goals that have very little to do with what they truly value in life, or they set goals that do not take into account what they want to avoid. Then they wonder why they aren’t following through, and label themselves as lazy or undisciplined, that’s rarely the case.
Usually, the problem is that people’s goals have nothing to do with their value system or how they like to be reinforced.
There is a unique cycle that occurs when we predicate goals that are in alignment with our values. As we work toward our value driven objective we feel totally natural in our pursuit and once this goal is achieved, our values are satisfied and supported by our accomplishment. Therefore our goals support our values and our values in turn support us in the direction of our goals. At this point you may say,”
That’s great, Kevin”… but
How can I use this?
Here’s how! Get some leverage. Think of the goal or objective you wish to achieve, but have had difficulty completing. Make a clear picture of this goal in your head. Now, think of how great you would feel, when this goal was completed. Think of all the benefits you would gain and the feeling of total satisfaction knowing that you have accomplished this. Visualize yourself with a huge smile on your face, as you finish. Got that picture clear and complete in your mind’s eye. GOOD!
Now, think of the negative emotions associated with not completing this same task. Think of the frustration you’ve experienced now and before as this goal once again slips away from your grasp. Think of how you will feel in the future as you embrace the loss of satisfaction and negative drain these emotions have, as you face the reality that you failed only because you have given up! Run these two mental videos over and over in your head. These visions are the carrot and the stick. Now, write “The Carrot and the Stick” on a small note pad and put the note somewhere conspicuous, somewhere you will see it daily for at least one week. When you see it run your mental video. In a short time you will begin to change your association to this goal and connect your emotional content via your values and the principle of pain and pleasure. I’ve had amazing results with this, and if you believe it, and try it, so will you.
You’ll never get where you want to be by focusing on what you fear. Instead focus on where you want to be. Have a great new year and the best of success in your near future!
“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game-winning shot… and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that’s precisely why I succeed.”
– Michael Jordan
Each Blog Issue I will help you add another facet to your Mental Toolbox and guide you to develop your Mind Game. I look forward to hearing your results and feedback.
© Copyright 2012 all rights reserved, Kevin Seaman
Sifu Kevin Seaman has been involved in martial arts and martial athletics as a practitioner, competitor and trainer for nearly 40 years. He currently holds instructor rank certification in seven martial arts systems (2 in JKD), is a certified boxing coach and performance specialist, and has trained thousands of athletes.
Check out his book at
Look for his new book, The Mind Game Of MMA available now!
By Kevin Seaman
I heard something the other day that struck me, “You can be a victim of change or a victor over change.” Although I’m not convinced any of us can overcome change, we can use it, capitalize on it and flow with it.
It has been my experience that in order to make a remarkable change, one must take remarkable action. It is not what you intend, but rather what you do that facilitates your progress in any objective. It’s not about intent… it’s about ACTION! But, we all have so much to do and only so much energy to do it.
The number one question that I am asked is, “How do you get so much energy?” At 57 years old, I currently teach 25-28 physical Martial Arts and Boxing classes a week, train myself, run my business, write books and articles, and I feel GREAT! If you had more energy, what would you be able to accomplish? What interference does a lack of energy create in your athletic goals, health goals, your academic goals, your career goals and your family goals.
In this week’s “Tip”, I’m going to give you a few of the best strategies, I’ve gained through my 30+ years as a Professional Trainer to obtain more energy.
First, let’s start with the Mental Aspect. How many times have you said to yourself, I’m beat, I’m really tired or something similar? When you tell yourself your tired, when you focus on this minor dip in energy, you enhance that feeling in your mind. Your Self Talk can have more to do with how you feel and how you perform than almost any other factor. Tell yourself what you want, not what you don’t want. You want to feel “Great”, tell yourself, “I feel great, I feel terrific!” repeat it with emotion
either internally or aloud, and you will begin to feel differently. Of course audibly may be more appropriate for certain select circumstances.
Second, change your Physiology and you will instantly change your emotion and therefore your energy. Take a break if you’re at a desk, driving or
doing something that’s putting you in a pattern of immobilization.
Interrupt that pattern. Take a short walk, stand up straight, breathe deep from your diaphragm. How would you stand if you were highly energized, adjust your posture, as if you were in a Peak Energy State. You know this state, you’ve been there before, so does your body and your mind. When you adjust your posture in this way, you will “Cue” your sub-conscious, you will associate it with the times in the past when you were in this state.
It’s simple and it works!
Third, visualize yourself doing something when you were highly energized.
If there was a risk factor involved, that’s even better. This will help kick on your adrenal glands and literally take you back to that moment. In order to do this effectively, you must use clear, bright emotionally charged pictures. The more real it seems, the more involved your mind/body connection will be. Using these three techniques, your results will be optimized, due to the influence of auditory, kinesthetic and visual involvement.
“All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.”
-James Allen
OK, let’s look at few of the physical aspects of human energy. First, in order to have energy, you need to use energy. This is a physiological concept based on supply and demand. In order for your body to operate optimally, you must stay active. As a trainer, I have a couple of tricks
I’ll share with you. Eat a breakfast with some complex carbs, stay away from sugar, especially in the morning. Never skip breakfast. This starts your day with a low in your blood sugar. If you eat a lot of sugary foods (simple carbs) for breakfast, you will get a boost of energy, then insulin will kick in and you will be left in a lull with useless, empty calories.
You will crash. Use nutritional supplements wisely, don’t over do it! Although not easy, the best way to maintain a level source of nutritional energy is to eat a few small healthy meals, through the day. When you digest your food, something happens physiologically to your blood’s location. It moves to the stomach to aid the digestion process. This provides less blood for other processes and you sort of physiologically downsize your activity capability. This is why you may feel tired or groggy after a HUGE Meal , and why you can’t seem to get going at the gym, after a big meal (or hard to digest foods.) This is sometimes known as”Food Coma.” Remember the swimmer’s rule, “No Swimming for two hours after eating.” Why? You’ll get a cramp. Usually in your leg (the largest muscle group where the most blood is needed to operate.) The blood is reduced in other areas of your body in order to digest.
The Bottom Line: Eat small, eat often, eat a nutritious whole fresh foods diet, and use nutritional supplementation to your advantage.
Kick up your metabolism, kick up your energy!
When I need to shake up the metabolic rate of a client, I do two major things. First I suggest an increase in both time and frequency of aerobic cardiovascular training. Twice a day, five days a week, when possible with an initial increase at usually around 50% (20 min=30 min) after about two weeks, you will notice a difference. Next, I train them to develop lean muscle mass. If it’s a woman, I usually duck, after I first suggest this.
However, let’s look at this logically. Strip away your body’s fat, bones and organs, and what’s left is muscle mass. Muscles aren’t just for high level athletes, bodybuilders and action heroes, they give you the structural strength to carry your body around every day . Maintaining the physio-mechanical usage of your body is essential for your quality of life.
Building muscle decreases your chances for obesity and osteoporosis, while increasing flexibility and stamina. And, because muscle mass burns more calories than other tissue — even at rest — it also helps you lose weight and keep it off. You are essentially burning calories during the workout and as the muscles repair on off days. What type of plan you use should be discussed with a trainer. The one I get the BEST results with for producing muscle mass and strength without huge growth is super setting by working opposite muscle groups, with little rest. (Example: Chest/Back, Quads/Hamstrings) Repetitions run between 12-15 for 3-5 sets.
Sets can be increased as you progress. If 12 reps is too hard and 15 is too easy, adjust your weight, but don’t go to failure. Do 2-3 exercises for each muscle group. You should be getting a cardio lifting workout. In addition to my very active lifestyle, I do a full body strength work out twice a week and it takes me 45 min. If you do little else, you may want to increase to 3 times a week. Let me know if you have any questions I can guide you on.
How to use this
For optimum results use the information above conjunctively. My experience has taught me, in order to be successful, your approach must be holistic, not restrictive. When using the Winning Mind Set mental exercises, try using them simultaneously or in succession. Your results will be the most optimal using this approach. Try using the mental exercises for one week, and see the results for your self. With the physiological strategies, make the changes slowly. If it seems too hard, you probably won’t stay with the changes. Visualize often what you’ll obtain as the changes transform you, how you’ll feel and look.
“In sports, mental imagery is used primarily to help you get the best out of yourself in training and competition. The developing athletes who make the fastest progress and those who ultimately become their best make extensive use of mental imagery. They use it daily as a means of directing what will happen in training, and as a way of pre-experiencing their best competition performances.”
~ Terry Orlick, Sports Psychologist
“In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result.”
-James Allen
© 2012 Kevin Seaman, all rights reserved. Material may be reproduced upon request with written permission. Just ask.
2019 Francis Fong Seminar
April 13 & 14, 2019
Sifu Francis Fong is undoubtably ONE of the most amazing, energetic and talented Instructors in the Country! Sifu will share his 50 years experience and expertise in the Martial Arts in this Highly Comprehensive Seminar. We are excited and honored to have Sifu Fong back teaching in Syracuse, New York again this year. The seminar is hosted by Sifu Kevin Seaman in conjunction with the Syracuse Martial Arts Academy. According to Dan Inosanto, Sifu Francis Fong one of the Finest Wing Chun Instructors teaching today. After a seminar with Sifu Fong, your outlook on power, structure and technical execution in the Martial Arts will change forever. Sifu will absolutely BLOW your mind with his ability and blinding speed. This is one seminar you will not want to miss!
April 13 & 14, 2019
Saturday 12pm-4pm/Sunday 10am-2pm
Syracuse Martial Arts Academy
Shoppingtown Mall, Dewitt, NY
(Sears Wing, down the hall from CNY Gym Center Gymnastics)
Early Bird- Before February 20th- 1 Day $85./ Both Days $155.
Pre-Reg- Before April 1st- 1 Day $95./ Both Days $175.
At The Door/ after April 1st- 1 Day $120./ Both Days $200.
Space at the door is NOT guaranteed, Pre-Registration is highly recommended!
Call for more Info: Text 607-423-5159
or Syracuse Martial Arts at 315-491-3756
Early Bird Discount
Before February 20th, 2019
One Day- $85. Both Days- $155.
Pre-Registration Discount
Before April 1st, 2019
One Day- $95. Both Days- $175.
After April 1st/ At the door
One Day- $120. Both Days- $200.
Saturday April 13, 12pm-4pm Early Bird Discount- $85.
Sunday April 14, 10am-2pm Early Bird Discount- $85.
Both Days April 13/14, 2019 Early Bird Discount- $155.