Take Your Muay Thai Training To The Next Level
We’ve designed the Thai Boxing University to bring your skills and understanding of Muay Thai to the next level. Designed by a Professional Coach and Teacher with over 38 years in the study and teaching of Muay Thai. You will see huge jump in your skill level and understanding with the use of our exclusive video library.
Subscribe To Thai Boxing University Today With Our FREE 7 Day Trial Go To: Thai Boxing University
As a teacher, one of my goals is to provide the best information, and instruction for people that want to learn Muay Thai. I wake up every morning with the intent of being the best teacher possible, and work, not just on my own improvement, but on how I can help each, and every student I teach, and interact with to be a better version of themselves. And as a teacher, I have had this same vision and drive for nearly 40 years!

Go To: Thai Boxing University
Subscribe To Thai Boxing University Today With Our FREE 7 Day Trial
- Easy Access 24/7: Train using Thai Boxing University anytime/anywhere
- Professionally Organized Content: Video study using a developmental progression
- Curriculum From: Beginning To Advanced Thai Boxing Technique, Drills and Strategies with nearly 100 instructional videos to date
- A chance to learn from an Ajarn-level Coach Professionally Certified by the World Thai Boxing Association will cut down on your learning curve, and guide your practice of Muay Thai at a higher level quickly!
- Precise Details On Technical Form And Application That Will Bring Your Muay Thai To A Different Level
- Science Based Teaching That Simplifies The Kinesiology, Physics And Qualities Of Human Performance Not Taught In The Gym
- New Fresh Content Added Frequently, Ensures You Will Never Run Out Of Training Material
- Foundational Basics Crucial To Your Continued Development- A Strong Foundation = Solid House
- Application Of High-Level Footwork That Will Give You An Edge When You Spar Or Fight
- Powerful Boxing Essentials That Help You Offset Your Opponent’s Balance, and your Counter Ability That No One Shows
- Learn Directly From Ajarn Level Coach And Quickly See The Difference In Your Ability
- Solo Training And Partner Training Videos, So You Can Train Anytime, Anywhere
- Content Levels For Testing Requirements And Free Rank Testing For TBU Members At Seminars
- Members Can Send Ajarn Kevin Videos Of Their Training and Get Coaching Specific To Your Personal Development
“I feel that so many individuals need quality coaching in regard to their form and foundation.There is no one out there that cannot benefit and improve. You deserve to have quality instruction by a Professional Coach who holds high standards, that really cares about you as a student of Muay Thai.
I have tirelessly trained to understand and develop the best teaching approaches for people who want to improve, and have developed this Video Library as a conduit for exactly that.” -Ajarn Kevin Seaman